For Montajes ROTELU, the commitment of our suppliers regarding the fulfillment of the quality, safety and environmental standards that we request in our orders is vitally important, in addition to providing a service in form, term and with the right price.

We have created three levels of suppliers

  • Level I. Suitable

  • Level II. Suitable.

  • Level III.Unsuitable. NO purchases can be made.

They will have preference, when awarding orders, classified as level I

Initially, all suppliers certified in ISO 9001: 2015 and / or ISO 14001: 2015 (in force) will be rated as level I. All other levels being II.

To assess its performance, we have created a methodology for its objective continuous evaluation, in which we have established an index (ICP) that evaluates the open Nonconformities (NC) with the total number of supplies made.

Depending on this index, and starting from the initial level granted, you can maintain or level up (absence of NC) or level down (NC in your supplies).

From an ICP> 50% (with at least two supplies) it will pass to level III (Unsuitable). However, a supplier may also be passed to level III (unsuitable) if the NC in its supply is serious. In both cases, this fact will be communicated to you to take the appropriate measures in order to be included again as a suitable supplier.